Listing of Supported Models
Supported models
model | notes |
betareg::betareg() | Use tidy_parameters() as tidy_fun with component argument to control with coefficients to return. broom::tidy() does not support the exponentiate argument for betareg models, use tidy_parameters() instead. |
biglm::bigglm() | |
brms::brm() | broom.mixed package required |
cmprsk::crr() | Limited support. It is recommended to use tidycmprsk::crr() instead. |
fixest::feglm() | May fail with R <= 4.0. |
fixest::femlm() | May fail with R <= 4.0. |
fixest::feNmlm() | May fail with R <= 4.0. |
fixest::feols() | May fail with R <= 4.0. |
gam::gam() | |
geepack::geeglm() | |
glmmTMB::glmmTMB() | broom.mixed package required |
glmtoolbox::glmgee() | |
lavaan::lavaan() | Limited support for categorical variables |
lfe::felm() | |
lme4::glmer.nb() | broom.mixed package required |
lme4::glmer() | broom.mixed package required |
lme4::lmer() | broom.mixed package required |
logitr::logitr() | Requires logitr >= 0.8.0 |
MASS::glm.nb() | |
MASS::polr() | |
mgcv::gam() | Use default tidier broom::tidy() for smooth terms only, or gtsummary::tidy_gam() to include parametric terms |
mice::mira | Limited support. If mod is a mira object, use tidy_fun = function(x, ...) {mice::pool(x) |> mice::tidy(...)} |
mmrm::mmrm() | |
multgee::nomLORgee() | Use tidy_multgee() as tidy_fun . |
multgee::ordLORgee() | Use tidy_multgee() as tidy_fun . |
nnet::multinom() | |
ordinal::clm() | Limited support for models with nominal predictors. |
ordinal::clmm() | Limited support for models with nominal predictors. |
parsnip::model_fit | Supported as long as the type of model and the engine is supported. |
plm::plm() | |
pscl::hurdle() | Use tidy_zeroinfl() as tidy_fun . |
pscl::zeroinfl() | Use tidy_zeroinfl() as tidy_fun . |
rstanarm::stan_glm() | broom.mixed package required |
stats::aov() | Reference rows are not relevant for such models. |
stats::glm() | |
stats::lm() | |
stats::nls() | Limited support |
survey::svycoxph() | |
survey::svyglm() | |
survey::svyolr() | |
survival::cch() | Experimental support. |
survival::clogit() | |
survival::coxph() | |
survival::survreg() | |
tidycmprsk::crr() | |
VGAM::vgam() | Experimental support. It is recommended to use tidy_vgam() as tidy_fun . |
VGAM::vglm() | Experimental support. It is recommended to use tidy_vgam() as tidy_fun . |