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Use marginaleffects::avg_comparisons() to estimate marginal contrasts for each variable of a model and return a tibble tidied in a way that it could be used by broom.helpers functions. See marginaleffects::avg_comparisons() for a list of supported models.


  variables_list = "auto", = TRUE,
  conf.level = 0.95,

  interactions = TRUE,
  cross = FALSE,
  var_categorical = "reference",
  var_continuous = 1,
  by_categorical = unique,
  by_continuous = stats::fivenum



(a model object, e.g. glm)
A model to be tidied.


(list or string)
A list whose elements will be sequentially passed to variables in marginaleffects::avg_comparisons() (see details below); alternatively, it could also be the string "auto" (default), "cross" or "no_interaction"

Whether or not to include a confidence interval in the tidied output.


The confidence level to use for the confidence interval (between 0 ans 1).


Additional parameters passed to marginaleffects::avg_comparisons().


(a model object, e.g. glm)
A model.


Should combinations of variables corresponding to interactions be returned?


If interaction is TRUE, should "cross-contrasts" be computed? (if FALSE, only the last term of an interaction is passed to variable and the other terms are passed to by)


(predictor values)
Default variable value for categorical variables.


(predictor values)
Default variable value for continuous variables.


(predictor values)
Default by value for categorical variables.


(predictor values)
Default by value for continuous variables.


Marginal contrasts are obtained by calling, for each variable or combination of variables, marginaleffects::avg_comparisons().

tidy_marginal_contrasts() will compute marginal contrasts for each variable or combination of variables, before stacking the results in a unique tibble. This is why tidy_marginal_contrasts() has a variables_list argument consisting of a list of specifications that will be passed sequentially to the variables and the by argument of marginaleffects::avg_comparisons().

Considering a single categorical variable named cat, tidy_marginal_contrasts() will call avg_comparisons(model, variables = list(cat = "reference")) to obtain average marginal contrasts for this variable.

Considering a single continuous variable named cont, tidy_marginalcontrasts() will call avg_comparisons(model, variables = list(cont = 1)) to obtain average marginal contrasts for an increase of one unit.

For a combination of variables, there are several possibilities. You could compute "cross-contrasts" by providing simultaneously several variables to variables and specifying cross = TRUE to marginaleffects::avg_comparisons(). Alternatively, you could compute the contrasts of a first variable specified to variables for the different values of a second variable specified to by.

The helper function variables_to_contrast() could be used to automatically generate a suitable list to be used with variables_list. Each combination of variables should be a list with two named elements: "variables" a list of named elements passed to variables and "by" a list of named elements used for creating a relevant datagrid and whose names are passed to by.

variables_list's default value, "auto", calls variables_to_contrast(interactions = TRUE, cross = FALSE) while "no_interaction" is a shortcut for variables_to_contrast(interactions = FALSE). "cross" calls variables_to_contrast(interactions = TRUE, cross = TRUE)

You can also provide custom specifications (see examples).

By default, average marginal contrasts are computed: contrasts are computed using a counterfactual grid for each value of the variable of interest, before averaging the results. Marginal contrasts at the mean could be obtained by indicating newdata = "mean". Other assumptions are possible, see the help file of marginaleffects::avg_comparisons().

For more information, see vignette("marginal_tidiers", "broom.helpers").


# \donttest{
# Average Marginal Contrasts
df <- Titanic |>
  dplyr::as_tibble() |>
  tidyr::uncount(n) |>
  dplyr::mutate(Survived = factor(Survived, c("No", "Yes")))
mod <- glm(
  Survived ~ Class + Age + Sex,
  data = df, family = binomial
#>   variable          term   estimate  std.error  statistic      p.value
#> 1    Class     2nd - 1st -0.1951651 0.03654057  -5.341051 9.240906e-08
#> 2    Class     3rd - 1st -0.3066202 0.03069777  -9.988355 1.714025e-23
#> 3    Class    Crew - 1st -0.1676466 0.03230024  -5.190258 2.100029e-07
#> 4      Age Child - Adult  0.1972150 0.04867887   4.051347 5.092362e-05
#> 5      Sex Male - Female -0.5073533 0.02452155 -20.690097 4.253562e-95
#>     s.value   conf.low  conf.high predicted_lo predicted_hi predicted
#> 1  23.36739 -0.2667833 -0.1235469           NA           NA        NA
#> 2  75.62696 -0.3667867 -0.2464537           NA           NA        NA
#> 3  22.18309 -0.2309539 -0.1043393           NA           NA        NA
#> 4  14.26131  0.1018062  0.2926238    0.1039594    0.2511586 0.2511586
#> 5 313.49450 -0.5554146 -0.4592919    0.7904463    0.2511586 0.2511586
tidy_plus_plus(mod, tidy_fun = tidy_marginal_contrasts)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 23
#>   term          variable var_label var_class var_type    var_nlevels contrasts  
#>   <chr>         <chr>    <chr>     <chr>     <chr>             <int> <chr>      
#> 1 2nd - 1st     Class    Class     character categorical           4 contr.trea…
#> 2 3rd - 1st     Class    Class     character categorical           4 contr.trea…
#> 3 Crew - 1st    Class    Class     character categorical           4 contr.trea…
#> 4 Child - Adult Age      Age       character dichotomous           2 contr.trea…
#> 5 Male - Female Sex      Sex       character dichotomous           2 contr.trea…
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: contrasts_type <chr>, reference_row <lgl>, label <chr>,
#> #   n_obs <dbl>, n_event <dbl>, estimate <dbl>, std.error <dbl>,
#> #   statistic <dbl>, p.value <dbl>, s.value <dbl>, conf.low <dbl>,
#> #   conf.high <dbl>, predicted_lo <dbl>, predicted_hi <dbl>, predicted <dbl>,
#> #   label_attr <chr>

mod2 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ poly(Petal.Width, 2) + Species, data = iris)
#>      variable                term  estimate std.error statistic      p.value
#> 1 Petal.Width                  +1 0.9961779 0.1523954  6.536799 6.284962e-11
#> 2     Species versicolor - setosa 1.3170279 0.3145654  4.186817 2.828938e-05
#> 3     Species  virginica - setosa 1.9123142 0.3733402  5.122176 3.020300e-07
#>    s.value  conf.low conf.high predicted_lo predicted_hi predicted
#> 1 33.88931 0.6974884  1.294867     1.390159     2.802537  1.390159
#> 2 15.10938 0.7004910  1.933565           NA           NA        NA
#> 3 21.65880 1.1805808  2.644048           NA           NA        NA
  variables_list = variables_to_predict(
    continuous = 3,
    categorical = "pairwise"
#>      variable                   term  estimate std.error statistic      p.value
#> 1 Petal.Width                     +3 1.7390991 1.0011046  1.737180 8.235537e-02
#> 2     Species    versicolor - setosa 1.3170279 0.3145654  4.186817 2.828938e-05
#> 3     Species     virginica - setosa 1.9123142 0.3733402  5.122176 3.020300e-07
#> 4     Species virginica - versicolor 0.5952863 0.1305792  4.558814 5.144328e-06
#>     s.value   conf.low conf.high predicted_lo predicted_hi predicted
#> 1  3.601993 -0.2230299 3.7012282     1.390159     4.377859  1.390159
#> 2 15.109380  0.7004910 1.9335648           NA           NA        NA
#> 3 21.658805  1.1805808 2.6440476           NA           NA        NA
#> 4 17.568586  0.3393558 0.8512168           NA           NA        NA

# Model with interactions
mod3 <- glm(
  Survived ~ Sex * Age + Class,
  data = df, family = binomial
#>   variable                   term    estimate  std.error statistic      p.value
#> 1    Class              2nd - 1st -0.19208546 0.03613415 -5.315898 1.061324e-07
#> 2    Class              3rd - 1st -0.30271279 0.03049293 -9.927311 3.166809e-23
#> 3    Class             Crew - 1st -0.15351506 0.03217010 -4.771980 1.824240e-06
#> 4  Sex:Age Female * Child - Adult -0.02017115 0.06255589 -0.322450 7.471118e-01
#> 5  Sex:Age   Male * Child - Adult  0.36915555 0.06129914  6.022198 1.720646e-09
#>      s.value   conf.low   conf.high
#> 1 23.1676312 -0.2629071 -0.12126383
#> 2 74.7413161 -0.3624778 -0.24294775
#> 3 19.0642732 -0.2165673 -0.09046282
#> 4  0.4206039 -0.1427784  0.10243615
#> 5 29.1144025  0.2490114  0.48929966
tidy_marginal_contrasts(mod3, "no_interaction")
#>   variable          term   estimate  std.error  statistic       p.value
#> 1      Sex Male - Female -0.5216026 0.02386423 -21.857087 6.655897e-106
#> 2      Age Child - Adult  0.2891015 0.05091793   5.677793  1.364433e-08
#> 3    Class     2nd - 1st -0.1920855 0.03613415  -5.315898  1.061324e-07
#> 4    Class     3rd - 1st -0.3027128 0.03049293  -9.927311  3.166809e-23
#> 5    Class    Crew - 1st -0.1535151 0.03217010  -4.771980  1.824240e-06
#>     s.value   conf.low   conf.high predicted_lo predicted_hi predicted
#> 1 349.38974 -0.5683756 -0.47482955   0.56491193    0.3884185 0.3884185
#> 2  26.12712  0.1893042  0.38889880   0.09568894    0.3884185 0.3884185
#> 3  23.16763 -0.2629071 -0.12126383           NA           NA        NA
#> 4  74.74132 -0.3624778 -0.24294775           NA           NA        NA
#> 5  19.06427 -0.2165673 -0.09046282           NA           NA        NA
tidy_marginal_contrasts(mod3, "cross")
#>   variable                          term   estimate  std.error statistic
#> 1    Class                     2nd - 1st -0.1920855 0.03613415 -5.315898
#> 2    Class                     3rd - 1st -0.3027128 0.03049293 -9.927311
#> 3    Class                    Crew - 1st -0.1535151 0.03217010 -4.771980
#> 4  Sex:Age Child - Adult * Male - Female -0.1695523 0.06280633 -2.699605
#>        p.value   s.value   conf.low   conf.high predicted_lo predicted_hi
#> 1 1.061324e-07 23.167631 -0.2629071 -0.12126383           NA           NA
#> 2 3.166809e-23 74.741316 -0.3624778 -0.24294775           NA           NA
#> 3 1.824240e-06 19.064273 -0.2165673 -0.09046282           NA           NA
#> 4 6.942175e-03  7.170397 -0.2926505 -0.04645417    0.5917294    0.3884185
#>   predicted
#> 1        NA
#> 2        NA
#> 3        NA
#> 4 0.3884185
  variables_list = list(
    list(variables = list(Class = "pairwise"), by = list(Sex = unique)),
    list(variables = list(Age = "all")),
    list(variables = list(Class = "sequential", Sex = "reference"))
#>     variable                       term    estimate  std.error  statistic
#> 1  Sex:Class         Female * 2nd - 1st -0.13997749 0.02991494  -4.679184
#> 2  Sex:Class         Female * 3rd - 1st -0.30766670 0.02947081 -10.439711
#> 3  Sex:Class         Female * 3rd - 2nd -0.16768921 0.03644975  -4.600559
#> 4  Sex:Class        Female * Crew - 1st -0.10025576 0.02214882  -4.526461
#> 5  Sex:Class        Female * Crew - 2nd  0.03972173 0.03075434   1.291581
#> 6  Sex:Class        Female * Crew - 3rd  0.20741095 0.02966665   6.991383
#> 7  Sex:Class           Male * 2nd - 1st -0.20622418 0.03884619  -5.308736
#> 8  Sex:Class           Male * 3rd - 1st -0.30253894 0.03297582  -9.174568
#> 9  Sex:Class           Male * 3rd - 2nd -0.09631477 0.02470330  -3.898862
#> 10 Sex:Class          Male * Crew - 1st -0.16777963 0.03553556  -4.721458
#> 11 Sex:Class          Male * Crew - 2nd  0.03844455 0.02847019   1.350344
#> 12 Sex:Class          Male * Crew - 3rd  0.13475931 0.01866581   7.219578
#> 13       Age              Adult - Child -0.28910149 0.05091793  -5.677793
#> 14       Age              Child - Adult  0.28910149 0.05091793   5.677793
#> 15 Class:Sex  2nd - 1st * Male - Female -0.69156750 0.03221261 -21.468846
#> 16 Class:Sex  3rd - 2nd * Male - Female -0.64790478 0.03583072 -18.082385
#> 17 Class:Sex Crew - 3rd * Male - Female -0.34545626 0.03495969  -9.881560
#>          p.value    s.value    conf.low   conf.high
#> 1   2.880191e-06  18.405404 -0.19860969 -0.08134529
#> 2   1.633079e-25  82.340608 -0.36542842 -0.24990498
#> 3   4.213585e-06  17.856520 -0.23912940 -0.09624902
#> 4   5.997974e-06  17.347093 -0.14366664 -0.05684487
#> 5   1.965021e-01   2.347383 -0.02055566  0.09999913
#> 6   2.721895e-12  38.418525  0.14926537  0.26555652
#> 7   1.103879e-07  23.110914 -0.28236131 -0.13008704
#> 8   4.533874e-20  64.257818 -0.36717037 -0.23790752
#> 9   9.664587e-05  13.336932 -0.14473235 -0.04789718
#> 10  2.341602e-06  18.704073 -0.23742804 -0.09813122
#> 11  1.769057e-01   2.498948 -0.01735600  0.09424509
#> 12  5.214898e-13  40.802426  0.09817499  0.17134364
#> 13  1.364433e-08  26.127123 -0.38889880 -0.18930418
#> 14  1.364433e-08  26.127123  0.18930418  0.38889880
#> 15 3.044879e-102 337.230281 -0.75470306 -0.62843195
#> 16  4.386928e-73 240.367540 -0.71813169 -0.57767787
#> 17  5.004764e-23  74.081044 -0.41397599 -0.27693653

mod4 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
#>                   variable                term     estimate std.error
#> 1                  Species versicolor - setosa -1.462933106 0.3719381
#> 2                  Species  virginica - setosa -1.984239711 0.4231549
#> 3 Petal.Length:Petal.Width              1 * +1 -0.125145768 0.3141612
#> 4 Petal.Length:Petal.Width            1.6 * +1 -0.105804839 0.2767317
#> 5 Petal.Length:Petal.Width           4.35 * +1 -0.017158912 0.1587605
#> 6 Petal.Length:Petal.Width            5.1 * +1  0.007017249 0.1594941
#> 7 Petal.Length:Petal.Width            6.9 * +1  0.065040037 0.2256260
#>     statistic      p.value     s.value   conf.low  conf.high
#> 1 -3.93326994 8.379804e-05 13.54272399 -2.1919185 -0.7339477
#> 2 -4.68915671 2.743332e-06 18.47563910 -2.8136081 -1.1548713
#> 3 -0.39834888 6.903730e-01  0.53455198 -0.7408904  0.4905989
#> 4 -0.38233719 7.022113e-01  0.51002294 -0.6481891  0.4365794
#> 5 -0.10808052 9.139318e-01  0.12984155 -0.3283237  0.2940059
#> 6  0.04399693 9.649069e-01  0.05153841 -0.3055854  0.3196199
#> 7  0.28826483 7.731440e-01  0.37119090 -0.3771788  0.5072588
  variables_list = list(
      variables = list(Species = "sequential"),
      by = list(Petal.Length = c(2, 5))
      variables = list(Petal.Length = 2),
      by = list(Species = unique, Petal.Width = 2:4)
#>                            variable                       term   estimate
#> 1              Petal.Length:Species    2 * versicolor - setosa -1.4629331
#> 2              Petal.Length:Species 2 * virginica - versicolor -0.5213066
#> 3              Petal.Length:Species    5 * versicolor - setosa -1.4629331
#> 4              Petal.Length:Species 5 * virginica - versicolor -0.5213066
#> 5  Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length            setosa * 2 * +2  1.8375120
#> 6  Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length            setosa * 3 * +2  1.9019817
#> 7  Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length            setosa * 4 * +2  1.9664515
#> 8  Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length        versicolor * 2 * +2  1.8375120
#> 9  Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length        versicolor * 3 * +2  1.9019817
#> 10 Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length        versicolor * 4 * +2  1.9664515
#> 11 Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length         virginica * 2 * +2  1.8375120
#> 12 Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length         virginica * 3 * +2  1.9019817
#> 13 Species:Petal.Width:Petal.Length         virginica * 4 * +2  1.9664515
#>    std.error statistic      p.value  s.value   conf.low  conf.high
#> 1  0.3719381 -3.933270 8.379805e-05 13.54272 -2.1919185 -0.7339477
#> 2  0.1263081 -4.127262 3.671076e-05 14.73344 -0.7688659 -0.2737473
#> 3  0.3719381 -3.933270 8.379793e-05 13.54273 -2.1919184 -0.7339478
#> 4  0.1263081 -4.127262 3.671076e-05 14.73344 -0.7688659 -0.2737473
#> 5  0.1601261 11.475403 1.753594e-30 98.84753  1.5236705  2.1513535
#> 6  0.2541642  7.483280 7.249039e-14 43.64920  1.4038291  2.4001344
#> 7  0.3833691  5.129395 2.906752e-07 21.71409  1.2150619  2.7178412
#> 8  0.1601261 11.475403 1.753595e-30 98.84753  1.5236705  2.1513535
#> 9  0.2541642  7.483280 7.249036e-14 43.64920  1.4038291  2.4001344
#> 10 0.3833691  5.129394 2.906758e-07 21.71409  1.2150618  2.7178412
#> 11 0.1601261 11.475403 1.753595e-30 98.84753  1.5236705  2.1513535
#> 12 0.2541642  7.483280 7.249033e-14 43.64920  1.4038291  2.4001344
#> 13 0.3833691  5.129394 2.906758e-07 21.71409  1.2150618  2.7178412

# Marginal Contrasts at the Mean
tidy_marginal_contrasts(mod, newdata = "mean")
#>   variable          term   estimate  std.error  statistic       p.value
#> 1    Class     2nd - 1st -0.2083189 0.03909115  -5.329054  9.872545e-08
#> 2    Class     3rd - 1st -0.3030788 0.03320759  -9.126792  7.055934e-20
#> 3    Class    Crew - 1st -0.1815385 0.03558936  -5.100919  3.380076e-07
#> 4      Age Child - Adult  0.2315175 0.06082479   3.806301  1.410609e-04
#> 5      Sex Male - Female -0.5405541 0.02514911 -21.493967 1.772950e-102
#>     s.value   conf.low  conf.high rowid predicted_lo predicted_hi predicted
#> 1  23.27200 -0.2849361 -0.1317016    NA           NA           NA        NA
#> 2  63.61972 -0.3681645 -0.2379931    NA           NA           NA        NA
#> 3  21.49644 -0.2512924 -0.1117846    NA           NA           NA        NA
#> 4  12.79139  0.1123030  0.3507319     1    0.2254997    0.4570172 0.2254997
#> 5 338.01051 -0.5898454 -0.4912627     1    0.7660538    0.2254997 0.2254997
tidy_marginal_contrasts(mod3, newdata = "mean")
#>   variable                   term    estimate  std.error  statistic
#> 1    Class              2nd - 1st -0.20575641 0.03889922 -5.2894733
#> 2    Class              3rd - 1st -0.29710778 0.03330055 -8.9220082
#> 3    Class             Crew - 1st -0.16816852 0.03583195 -4.6932563
#> 4  Sex:Age Female * Child - Adult -0.01826595 0.05710961 -0.3198401
#> 5  Sex:Age   Male * Child - Adult  0.41025175 0.06569429  6.2448616
#>        p.value    s.value   conf.low   conf.high
#> 1 1.226691e-07 22.9587252 -0.2819975 -0.12951533
#> 2 4.579082e-19 60.9215753 -0.3623757 -0.23183990
#> 3 2.688903e-06 18.5045510 -0.2383978 -0.09793919
#> 4 7.490895e-01  0.4167899 -0.1301987  0.09366684
#> 5 4.241755e-10 31.1346196  0.2814933  0.53901020
# }