Method show
for objects of class prevR:
shows a summary of the object's characteristics.
# S4 method for prevR
object of class prevR.
Exactly the same as print()
#> Object of class 'prevR'
#> Number of clusters: 401
#> Number of observations: 8000
#> Number of positive cases: 810
#> The dataset is weighted.
#> National prevalence: 10.12%
#> National weighted prevalence: 10.16%
#> Projection used: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
#> Coordinate range
#> min max
#> x -5.37750 3.6850
#> y 4.80326 14.1225
#> Boundary coordinate range
#> xmin ymin xmax ymax
#> -5.518916 4.736723 3.851701 15.082593
if (FALSE) {
dhs <- rings(fdhs, N = c(100, 300, 500))