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The function .assert_package() checks whether a package is installed and returns an error or FALSE if not available. If a package search is provided, the function will check whether a minimum version of a package is required. The function .get_package_dependencies() returns a tibble with all dependencies of a specific package. Finally, .get_min_version_required() will return, if any, the minimum version of pkg required by pkg_search, NULL if no minimum version required.


.assert_package(pkg, fn = NULL, pkg_search = "broom.helpers", boolean = FALSE)

.get_package_dependencies(pkg_search = "broom.helpers")

  pkg_search = NULL,
  remove_duplicates = FALSE,
  lib.loc = NULL

.get_min_version_required(pkg, pkg_search = "broom.helpers")



Name of the required package.


Name of the calling function from the user perspective. Used to write informative error messages.

Name of the package the function will search for a minimum required version from.


Whether to return a TRUE/FALSE, rather than error when package/package version not available. Default is FALSE, which will return an error if pkg is not installed.


If several versions of a package are installed, should only the first one be returned?


Location of R library trees to search through, see utils::installed.packages().


logical or error for .assert_package(), NULL or character with the minimum version required for .get_min_version_required(), a tibble for .get_package_dependencies().


get_all_packages_dependencies() could be used to get the list of dependencies of all installed packages.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
.assert_package("broom", boolean = TRUE)