In WHO publications, population numbers are usually presented as follow:

  • 0 if < 5

  • 10 if = 5 and < 10

  • one significant digit if = 10 and < 100

  • two significant digits if = 100 and < 10 millions

  • three significant digits if = 10 millions




a numeric vector to format


who_formatter(c(3, 8, 42, 75, 45678, 9876543, 12345678))
#> Error in prettyNum(.Internal(format(x, trim, digits, nsmall, width, 3L,     na.encode, scientific, decimal.mark)), big.mark = big.mark,     big.interval = big.interval, small.mark = small.mark, small.interval = small.interval,     decimal.mark = decimal.mark, input.d.mark = decimal.mark,     zero.print = zero.print, drop0trailing = drop0trailing, is.cmplx = is.complex(x),     preserve.width = if (trim) "individual" else "common"): invalid value 0 for 'digits' argument