This function calculates the best partition to cut a dendrogram based on the higher relative loss of inertia criteria. This criteria was originaly proposed by the HCPC function of the package FactoMineR.

best.cutree(hc, min = 3, max = 20, loss = FALSE, graph = FALSE, ...)



a clustering tree (an object of class hclust, dendrogram or agnes)


the minimum number of classes


the maximum number of classes


if TRUE, will return the relative loss of inertia of each partition instead of the best partition


if TRUE, will plot the relative loss of inertia of each partition, the best partition being indicated in black and the second best in grey


additional arguments sent to plot (if graph = TRUE)

See also


hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
#> [1] 3
best.cutree(hc, loss = TRUE)
#>         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 
#> 0.9162296 0.9204839 0.9390592 0.9468502 0.9445603 0.9455332 0.9447788 0.9428372 
#>        11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18 
#> 0.9478849 0.9517658 0.9509931 0.9486210 0.9462873 0.9454169 0.9430228 0.9450606 
#>        19        20 
#> 0.9452040 0.9456931 
best.cutree(hc, graph = TRUE)

#> [1] 3
best.cutree(hc, graph = TRUE, min = 6, max = 15)

#> [1] 10